Tuesday 21 July 2020

Go for some Delicious and Healthy Food in Balcatta

There are so many foods that one must try. Just online food order in Balcatta and make sure you adhere to the norms of the pandemic going on in the world. 

Fufu and goat light soup
In the Ashanti and Eastern regions of Ghana, one meal assured to work its wonder is fufu and goat light soup, the pompous dish of the Akan. Fufu is a staple dish across West Africa but in Ghana, it is made by beating a mixture of plantains and boiled cassava into a soft sticky paste to go along with fragrant and peppery tomato soup. Fufu is also available in Northern Ghana, though it is made with yam in this area. This weekend delight is enjoyed across the country, albeit with small differences made to the core recipe. Try this delicious and tasty food in Balcatta.

Tuo Zaafi
Northern Ghanaian food is ruled by the use of herbs, grains, and meat as these are the major food products of the area. Tuo Zaafi is alike to banku, though it is quite soft and less sticky, and is prepared by cooking corn dough and with the addition of a little cassava. What differentiates Tuo Zaafi and makes it a well-liked meal nationwide is the healthful and rare herbs used in creating the accompanying soup, including ayoyo leaves and dawadawa. You want to ask the catering service in Balcatta if they have this. 

Kenkey and fried fish
Kenkey is one more corn-based staple parallel to banku that is prepared by moulding fermented corn dough into balls and covering them around drying corn leaves, which are then boiled. The meal is served with fried crabs, octopus or fish, hot pepper sauce, and is a delicacy of the Accran people. Order this Ghanaian food in Balcattaif you can. 

No list of conventional Ghanaian foods would be whole without this savoury side dish. Kelewele is an immediate favourite among anybody who tries it, even those who aren’t huge fans of peppery food. Generally sold as a snack or side dish all over Accra, it is prepared by frying soft plantains that have been soaked in a mixture of ginger, peppers, and garlic. The aroma is crunchy and strong, while the pleasant plantain adds some sugariness to the sour. Find it and try this food from the West African Cuisine in Balcatta.

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